Fall Seminar Series in Erotic Education

Fall Seminar Series in Erotic Education


Has the intimacy in your relationship started to feel dull, routine, boring or nonexistent?

Maybe it’s gotten to the point where it just feels like a train wreck waiting to happen and avoidance is your best answer.

You’ve tried new lubes, toys, and gone on out on a limb with a little role play (just like that blog suggested). You pulled that sexy lingerie out from the crypt (didn’t fit). You tried watching porn together hoping this might spice things up. You even consulted Google on some snazzy new sex positions (but when you actually implemented “the wheelbarrow” you were both so worn out just by getting into the position you were too exhausted to do the actual deed).

It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that those lubes, toys and the latest new sex positions you read about on the internet are clearly not working because truth is that none of these are the real problem.

  • The problem is that nobody has shown you how to actually connect with your genuine desire.
  • Nobody has shown you where pleasure really lives and how to coax it out of its hiding place so that you can get on the same page as your partner.
  • Nobody has actually taught you how to leverage that pesky thing called desire discrepancy to your benefit rather than allowing it to be the executioner of eros.

There is no need to feel like you are doomed to be an eternal victim of your arousal mismatch.

There’s no need to feel lost in the forest of misinformation about sexual pleasure to the extent that you are ready to succumb to your fate of a sexless life for the rest of your life–or watch your relationship crumble.

Because I have a solution. A solution that actually WORKS.

So throw away that lube, toys, and stop reading those blogs.

Consider instead attending The Pathway to Pleasure Collective Fall Seminar Series kicking off in just a couple of weeks.

About The Pathway to Pleasure Collective Fall Seminar Series

This three-class series consists of three foundational introductory classes where you’ll learn to awaken your erotic intimacy skills so that you can stop sacrificing and start thriving in your intimate life.

Here’s what’s in store for you:

Dance of the Polarities: Finding Harmony Between the Male and Female Arousal Network. Read more about this class here. 

When: Wednesday November 2nd 7pm-9pm CST. Note: This will be a virtual class taught via Zoom. 

HowEnroll in Dance of the Polarities here or Enroll in the entire series by clicking here.

Sex Ed for Grown Ass People Part 1: Decoding The Mysteries of the Yoni (yoni=female genitalia). Read more about this class here 

When:  Saturday October 22nd 10am-12pm. 

How: Enroll in Sex Ed for Grown Ass People Part 1 here or Enroll in the entire series by clicking here.

 Amazing Aphrodisiacs: How to Activate the Four Types of Aphrodisiacs for Increased Arousal, Deeper Connection, and Enhanced Pleasure (without Pills, Potions, or a Trip to Bora Bora!). Read more about this class here.

When: Saturday November 12th 10am-12pm.  

How: Enroll in Amazing Aphrodisiacs here or Enroll in the entire series by clicking here.

Here’s How it Works

Location: Virtual via Zoom. Link will emailed after registration. 


  • November 2nd 7pm-9pm CST-Dance of the Polarities 
  • Saturday October 22nd 10am-12pm-Sex Ed for Grown Ass People
  • Saturday November 12th 10am-12pm-Amazing Aphrodisiacs

Cost: Enroll in the entire series or pick and choose the classes you want to attend.

  • Enroll in the entire series $157 per person through Oct. 20th
  • Enroll in a la carte individual classes: $65 per person

How to Enroll:

  1. November 2nd-Dance of the Polarities
  2.  October 22nd-Sex Ed for Grown Ass People Part 1
  3. November 12th-Amazing Aphrodisiacs

This Series is For Individuals and Couples Who:

  • Want to devote time and attention to their intimate relationship but struggle to find the time.
  • Have tried a lot of things to improve the intimacy in your relationship, but nothing seems to work. You’re frustrate and you need some help.
  • Feel bored with the sex in your relationship and want to experience something different and/or have some more positive experiences.

Register for the Full Series Here

Register for a La Carte Classes Below:

Dance of the Polarities

Sex Ed for Grown Ass People Part 1

Amazing Aphrodisiacs

This Series is NOT For You If:

  • You don’t want to spend time improving the intimacy in your relationship.
  • You don’t have enough time to work on your relationship or you don’t care to.
  • You’re completely satisfied with the sex you’re already having and don’t want to learn anything new.

Register for the Full Series Here

Register for a La Carte Classes Below:

Dance of the Polarities

Sex Ed for Grown Ass People Part 1

Amazing Aphrodisiacs

Other Things to Know

This workshop will be engaging and experiential. There will be numerous partnered practices that involve verbal sharing while learning through the body’s sense and the body’s messages. Here are some things to keep in mind:

For Individuals

If you will be attending the workshop solo or without an intimate partner, please be prepared to be partnered with another individual in the class and be ok with personal sharing and being a bit vulnerable with a stranger. We do our best to make this space safe enough for this kind of exploration.

For Couples

Couples who attend the workshop together will remain partnered with one another for the entire two-hour workshop. Be prepared to be vulnerable and to have new experiences together. We do our best to make this space safe enough for this kind of exploration.

Clothes Stay On

And just because I know you are wondering……The answer is no, there will be absolutely no nudity or sexual touching of any kind in this class (please keep your clothes on folks!).

About Your Instructor

Nicole Siegel will be your highly qualified instructor for this amazing series. Nicole is a certified sexological bodyworker, doula, postpartum healer, and the founder of Body Compass. Nicole empowers her clients to find comfort in their body, attunement with and clarity in their desires, and confidence in their decisions and boundaries. Nicole is an expert at creating safe spaces for her clients to find pleasure and empowerment in their relationship to their body, sexuality, self, and, ultimately, vitality in life, love, relationships, and work.

Register for the Full Series Here

Register for a La Carte Classes Below:

Dance of the Polarities

Sex Ed for Grown Ass People Part 1

Amazing Aphrodisiacs

Nicole and I look forward to seeing you in class!


Susan and Nicole

Request Your Copy of The Pleasure Keys ebook

Enhance pleasure, expand your orgasmic potential, and experience intimate fulfillment. Request your copy of The Pleasure Keys: Discover the 7 Secrets to Female Sexual Pleasure. (a $47 value).


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